Travel Massive

Boosting emails open-rate by 300%. their customers say that they love the new weekly newsletter format.

Video tuts


Travel Massive is the community for travel makers around the world to share their latest projects, every day đŸ€˜


Greater Sydney Area




Online travel community

Company size

60 — 80 employees


  • Design responsive emails
  • Coding HTML

The objective

Develop a custom newsletter for Travel Massive community. Travel Massive has approx 30k subs and they send a weekly newsletter of “what’s trending” via AWS SES, using Mailbluster.

Key results

  • Users friendly email easy layout for the users to digest its content.
  • Increase open-rate and click-rate by 30% at least.
  • Flexible email components to build email templates faster.
  • Integration with Tailwind UI to match website design system.

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Client testimonial

“ Working with Craftingemails was a game changer for our weekly newsletter and helped us triple our open-rate. Their expertise and know-how is invaluable and saved us countless hours implementing a newsletter template. Our customers love our new weekly newsletter format, and it’s boosted our open-rate by 300%.
Ian C. Founder of Travel Massive